Newcomers & Visitors
The Church of England in Berlin since 1855.
A very warm welcome!
St George's Berlin belongs to the Church of England's Diocese in Europe.
We are a welcoming, inclusive,
international and English-speaking community
with roughly equal numbers of British, North American and German natives, other Europeans and smaller numbers of people from different African and Asian countries and the rest of the world. We worship in English and
would love to meet you. Please use the contact form below
to get in touch with us. On every last Sunday of the month: 'Young(ish) adults group'
at St. Marienkirche. A warm invitation to a pub get-together after our Sunday evening Eucharist at Marienkirche, always on the last Sunday of the month: something to eat, something to drink and a bit of nice chatting. All are welcome, especially newcomers.
Would you like to become a Christian and be baptised? Or you are already baptised but would like to become a member of the Church of England? We look forward to seeing you. Write to us or speak to the clergy after the service.
Herzlich willkommen!
Unsere Gemeinde St George's
gehört zur Kirche von England und ihrer Diözese in Europa.
Wir sind eine inklusive, internationale,
englischsprachige, anglikanische Gemeinde
mit etwa gleichem Anteil an Briten, Nordamerikanern und Deutschen,
Menschen aus anderen europäischen Ländern und einer weiteren Anzahl
von Menschen aus verschiedenen afrikanischen und asiatischen Nationen.
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, Sie kennenzulernen!
Nutzen Sie bitte das untenstehende Kontaktformular,
um uns eine Nachricht zu schreiben. Natürlich auch gerne auf Deutsch.
It’s easy to do great work when you believe in what you do. That’s why we’re committed to helping more people like you, every day.
Please get in touch with us by sending a message and/or introduce yourself to the clergy after the Sunday Service at St George's or Marienkirche:
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How to become a member of the Church of England?
If you’ve been baptized in water and in the name of the Holy Trinity in another church or denomination, your baptism is valid in the Anglican Church. You can attend our services and events at any time, even if you are not a formal member of the
Church of England or another Anglican/Episcopal church.
However, if you wish to become a full member of the Church of England and our congregation, you must, in addition to sharing the faith of the Church of England, usually live in Berlin or Brandenburg and also wish to attend services and church events.
You would then be received into the Church of England during a service.
Please talk to our clergy to clarify any further questions or write an email.
Our Mission Statement
1. St George’s Church exists to celebrate and proclaim the love of God for all people as revealed in Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
2. St George’s Church obeys this vocation by living out its Anglican or ‘Episcopal’ tradition in an open, attractive and hospitable fashion.
3. To that tradition belong our liturgy and worship, which follow primarily the authorized forms of the Church of England, the regular celebration of the Sacraments, reading of Holy Scripture and instruction, respecting the individual conscience
and the freedom of the reasoning mind.
4. As a local expression of the catholic Church
our vocation is to make known the Gospel of Jesus Christ:
a) to all who will hear it, irrespective of nationality, although recognizing the particular needs and claims upon us of the international Anglican community and of all who seek a spiritual home in a congregation which worships mainly in English; thereby we bear witness to the inclusiveness and universality of God’s love.
b) by celebrating the presence and working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, and welcoming all those who seek God.
c) by the ministry of hospitality, using our buildings as a resource to serve the community whether through sponsoring concerts, cultural events, service groups, and other types of outreach to the community.
d) by offering services of public worship and praise which in their beauty and dignity serve to identify and celebrate God’s presence in the world.
e) through Christian education programs (such as Children´s Church, teenage groups, and adult Christian education, Bible study groups, prayer groups) to learn of God’s presence in the Bible and the here and now of everyday life.
f) directly, in sermons, personal conversation, writings, in the media and in the united efforts of our community to share the Good News.
g) through ecumenical partnership with the German- and English-speaking Churches around us. By such means we seek to carry out the promise of our baptism and do the work of Jesus Christ in Berlin.