St George's News


to read updated information

We wish all our parishioners, friends and all those worshipping with us a  happy Christmas season and a New Year full of God-blessed confidence, positive change and peace.

It is because of your support that we exist.

As St George's Anglican Church we take responsibility together for all our building costs, clergy and staff salaries and all running expenses. We want our mission to be properly funded. Because we don't receive any funding from the Church of England or the German state, we kindly request all our members and friends to make a monthly donation! If you give regularly, you can claim this against tax by filling in the pledge form at the back of Church and setting up a Dauerauftrag (standing order) at your bank to IBAN DE03 3506 0190 1566 9230 13 BIC GENODEDIDK KD-Bank eG.
You can also donate via
We issue tax receipts for all donations made.
We would be so grateful for any donations of liturgical vestments,
for the clergy and servers, to help us with the wonderful services at Marienkirche.
If you would like to make a donation, please get in touch with our treasurer, Marcela, or Fr Joachim, who will be happy to tell you more.

Many anniversaries

to celebrate in 2025...

The inaugural Anglican service in an Anglican church edifice in Berlin was conducted
on Whitsun 1855 in St George's Chapel, situated within the confines of Monbijou Palace.
Between 1884 and 1885, under the patronage of the British-born Prussian Crown Princess Victoria, the first proper Anglican church was constructed on the grounds of Monbijou Palace. The church, dedicated to St George, was under the protection
of the Prussian royal family and was funded by donations made on the occasion of the
Prussian crown prince and princess's silver wedding anniversary.
St George's was the sole Anglican church in the German Empire to remain open throughout the First World War, as it was under the protection of Emperor Wilhelm II.
However, the church was destroyed in May 1944 during an air raid by Allied bombers
and subsequently demolished by the GDR government,
along with the ruins of Monbijou Palace.
The foundation stone for a new garrison church, St George's, for the British Armed Forces
was laid on 3 May 1950 in the British sector of Berlin.
Following the reunification of the two German states,
the British Armed Forces departed Berlin in 1994
after which St George's became a civilian parish 
within the Church of England's Diocese of Europe.

Please join us as we seek to honour
our Anglican presence and ministry in Berlin
by planning for the next 30 years with our

Our Church gas boiler is 28 years old and needs replacing.
We need to do this ecologically to build for the next 30 years.
Do you have ideas for fundraising?
Might you join with others to brainstorm?
Please contact The Revd Canon Christopher Jage-Bower
or email the church office.

St George's
German Language Café

is starting Thursday, 10 October, 18:00 - 19:00 with Jessica in the church hall (St George's, Preussenallee).
It's for anyone who would like to practise their German skills (level A2 upwards.)
Please email Jessica in the church office for more information.

Joining a Parish Group?

St George's offers a variety of ways to meet and share in groups (currently online only). Are you looking for a parish group? There is sure to be something for you!

Becoming a server, reader or steward?

Are you interested in contributing to the life of our parish and it's liturgy as an server (acolyte), reader (lector) or steward at services in St George's and/or Marienkirche? 
Then please get in touch with the clergy, the churchwardens or simply email the parish office. We look forward to hearing from you.

The Church of England | The Living in Love and Faith Process

More Parish News 

and General Information

St George's Choir 

The choir sings at the morning service most Sundays but will sing in the evening service once a month. There will be other music in the morning service on that day. We are looking for singers to lead the congregational singing or even sing in a small group at the thriving evening service. New singers for the morning service are of course also always welcome. Please contact Andrew Sims if you are interested. 
The details of the forthcoming services can be found here (press left button):

St George's Children's Church 

and Teens' Church

Our youth activities meet in two groups:
Children's Church for 5–12 years old. Children under 5 are warmly welcome to join us as long as they are joined by a parent.
Teens' Church – a new group for teenagers. We encourage all children over the age of 12/13 to come and join us for fun and thought-provoking sessions.

There is no Children's Church or Teens' Church during school holidays or on the first Sunday of each month to allow time for children to take part in the full Eucharist service.
Please register for Children's Church and Teen Church: For safeguarding purposes, we are required to register children and teenagers attending Children's Church and Teen Church. We kindly ask parents or carers to fill in the short form available at the back of the church and return it to a member of the clergy or the Church Office. This information will be treated confidentially and kept securely in the Church Office.

St George's Psalm cantors needed 

We have relaunched the cantoring of the psalms at the morning service. If you are interested in serving as a cantor, please contact Andrew Sims at choir@​stgeorgesberlin​.de

Coffee hour rota | St George's

Preparing and serving the refreshments after the Sunday morning eucharist is a great way for new members of the congregation to get to know people, so if you would like to know more about what's involved, speak to our churwarden Ms Eleanor Emerson after the morning service or email the church office. 

St George's young(ish) adults group at Marienkirche

A warm invitation to a dinner or pub get-together after our Anglican Sunday evening service at Marienkirche, always on the last Sunday of the month: something to eat, something to drink and a bit of nice chatting.

Marienkirche | Refreshments and a Chat

Refreshments are now available every second Sunday of the month after the evening service in the side chapel of the Marienkirche.

Parents and Toddlers Group

The Parents and Toddlers Group meet Mondays in the church hall 10:00–12:00.

British Berlin Ladies

The British Berlin Ladies meet on the second Monday of the month
at 18:30 in the church hall.

Ancient Brits

The Ancient Brits senior citizens group meet the second Thursday of the month at 14:30 in the church hall. 


We sometimes receive complaints that members of the congregation are not personally informed about news via email or do not receive our newsletter. We are very sorry about this. Unfortunately, email addresses become outdated, the newsletter has not been ordered or we have not been given permission to use the email address in accordance with the DSGVO.

So if you are in any doubt as to whether we have your proper and up dated contact details, please kindly contact the parish office so that you are well informed by emails from the parish. For up-to-date information, please visit this, our official website or visit us on social media. Here you will be informed as up-to-date as possible. Also point other parishioners and friends of St George to this. We thank you very much and appreciate your cooperation.

St George's Towards an Eco Church

To Look over the Rim of a Tea Cup

The Church of England News

The Diocese in Europe News

Anglican Communion News

The Protestant Church in Germany News

The Roman Catholic Church in Germany News

Germany News

Berlin News